
The way of the Trumpeter

Interview by Judit Scherter

I have known you since you were very young so I know that you were a lively, active child to put it mildly. How that undisciplined little boy, who cut off girls’  braids and jumped out of the window to escape the teacher, has become a disciplined musician, solo trumpeter of the Berlin Philharmonics?

Tarkövi Gábor a Berlini Filharmonikusok szólótrombitása.Igen-igen ifjú korod óta ismerlek, így azt is tudom rólad, hogy kicsit élénk, merész gyerek voltál, finoman szólva >>

On The Road

Gábor Tarkövi und Tamás Velenczei

Die neue CD der beiden Solotrompeter der Berliner Philharmoniker ist ab sofort erhältlich!
Bestellen Sie die CD gleich direkt über den Online-Shop der Firma Schagerl unter >>